
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Life of Animals | Binturong | Being burly and omnivorous, the Binturong is Sometimes compared to a bear, but is closer in size to a large cat. The ears of the Binturong are small and rounded, and it has small eyes. The average age of sexual maturation for females is 30.4 months and 27.7 months for males.

The Binturong climbs trees and LEAPS from branch to branch, using its tail and claws to cling while searching for food. The Binturong also uses its tail to Communicate, through the scent glands located on either side of the anus in Both males and females. The females also possess paired scent glands on either side of the vulva. The scent of musk is Binturong Often compared to That of warm buttered popcorn and cornbread. The Binturong brushes its tail against trees and howls to announce its presence to other Binturongs.

Binturongs have an average annual range of 6.2 km2 (2.4 sq mi) and travel about 688 m (2.257 ft) per day The Binturong is an Important animal for seed dispersals, ESPECIALLY Those of the Strangler Fig, Because of its ability to scarify the seed's tough outer covering.