Australian Silky Terrier

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Life of Animals | Australian Silky Terrier | The Australian Silky Terrier is a small and compact short-legged terriers, 23 to 26 cm (9.1 to 10 in.) at the withers, alert and active. The Silky Terrier Should be slightly longer than tall (about one-fifth longer than the height at the withers). The Silky Terrier has a strong, wedge-shaped head. The eyes are small and almond-shaped. The Silky Terrier has a high-set tail and small, almost catlike, feet. The coat Should Be Long, but not so long to approach floor length.

The Australian Silky Terrier is a terrier, but is usually placed in the Toy Group rather than the Terrier Group due to its small size. As breed groupings are done Mostly to organize groups of breeds for dog shows, it is safer for the little dogs to be with others Their own size, rather than with larger dogs. The Fédération Internationale Cynologique has a special section of the Terrier Group That includes only the smallest dogs, while other kennel clubs place the breed in the Toy Group, but Universally everyone agrees That the breed's type is Terrier. The breed standards describe the ideal Australian Silky Terrier temperament as keenly alert and active.

The Silky Terrier's coat is highly susceptible to tangles and matting and requires daily Brushing and combing. This breed requires a deep commitment from the owners. To keep the coat lustrous, regular shampooing is Necessary. Using an Avocado and Oatmeal Shampoo Will help alleviate the Itchy, dry skin of this breed. Terriers are known to have teeth and gum problems.