The Life of Animals | Golden ringed Dragonfly | The Golden-ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) is a large, striking and the longest British dragonfly species, the only one of its genus to be found in Britain They are easily Identified by Their distinctive black and yellow stripes, the which no other dragonfly in Britain has. The female lays the eggs in shallow water. This strikingly-colored insect is incredibly aerobatic and Sometimes They fly very high up into the sky.
Golden ringed Dragonfly
Sunday, March 11, 2012
The Life of Animals | Golden ringed Dragonfly | The Golden-ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) is a large, striking and the longest British dragonfly species, the only one of its genus to be found in Britain They are easily Identified by Their distinctive black and yellow stripes, the which no other dragonfly in Britain has. The female lays the eggs in shallow water. This strikingly-colored insect is incredibly aerobatic and Sometimes They fly very high up into the sky.