
Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Life of Animals | Angler | The fish named for their characteristic method of predation. In most species the angler, the longer the first thread. Some anglers deep bathypelagic emit light from ESCAS to attract prey. Bacteria can enter the ladder of sea water through small pores, however, is speculative and the mechanism by which these benefits ceratioids bacteria is unknown. Some benthic (bottom) forms have arm like pectoral fins which the fish use to walk on the ocean floor. All around the head and along the body, leather fringed appendages resembling short sheets of seaweed, a structure that, in combination with an extraordinary ability to assimilate the body color of its surroundings, to disguise the fish areas with abundant prey.

At birth, males ceratioids already equipped with extremely well developed olfactory organs that detect scents in the water. Life ceratioid only for men to find and mate with the female. They are much smaller than the female angler fish, and may have difficulty in finding food of the bottom. In addition, the growth of the food channels, some men become stunted, preventing deliveries. These functions require them to quickly find a woman angler to prevent death. The sensitive olfactory organs help the male to detect the pheromones that signal the proximity of a woman angler. When he finds a female, he bites into the skin, and releases an enzyme that digests the skin and the body's mouth, merging pair to blood vessels, the man slowly atrophies, first losing the digestive system, then your brain, heart and eyes, and in the end not more than a pair of gonads that release sperm in response to hormones in a woman's blood indicates the release of eggs. 

Mycelium kind of monkfish Lophius consists of a thin sheet of transparent gelatinous material is 0.6 or 0.9 m (2 to 3 feet) wide and 7.6 to 9 meters (25-30 feet) in length. The seeds freely in the sea. Free-swimming larvae and pelvic fins are elongated in the thread. Such an egg sheet is rare among fishes. In Europe and North America, meat, fish tail of the genus Lophius, known as monkfish or goosefish (North America), is widely used in cooking, and is often compared to lobster tail in taste and texture. North-West European Lophius SPP. listed on the ICES as "outside safe biological limits Moreover, monkfish, as we know, from time to time to rise to the surface during El Niño, resulting in a large group of monkfish surfaceIn dead floating in 2010, Greenpeace International, said that American Angler (Lophius americanus) angler (Lophius piscatorius) and the black pot-bellied angler (Lophius budegassa) in the list of seafood red.