Atlantic Salmon

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Life of Animals | Atlantic Salmon | Most Atlantic salmon follow-through fish migration patterns by the nutrition and growth in salt water, but adults are back in native freshwater streams where the eggs hatch and young people grow to spawn in several stages. Painting of the young Atlantic salmon is not comparable to the adult stage. Although they live in fresh water, they have blue and red spots. Salmon has a spindle-shaped body and a well-developed teeth.  At sea, the kind found primarily in the waters of Greenland and in migrations to and from his native streams along the north-eastern and western Atlantic coast. Wild salmon has disappeared from many rivers in the course of the twentieth century due to overfishing and habitat alteration In 2000, the number of Atlantic salmon has fallen critically low level.

Adult salmon are a much more aggressive than other salmon and are likely to attack other fish than others. Where they are invasive threat has become concerned that they native salmon as Chinook salmon and coho salmon attack. Human activities have severely affected salmon populations across its range. If the dams built on the river Oswego cut, were their spawning grounds, and they died at a local level. In 1950 salmon from rivers in the United States and Canada and from Europe, were discovered to be collected on the sea around Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The commercial fishing industry was created, with salmon drift nets.  Overfishing on the high seas is generally regarded as the main negative factor is, however, despite the rate of sea service is evaluated for different stocks for the period 1984-1991 Newfoundland and Labrador, on average, 45% of small (<63 cm), salmon, and 74.2% for large salmon (> 63 cm), the closure of Newfoundland salmon commercial fishery since 1992, not to an increase in the general population of salmon out in the presence

From about 1990, the mortality of Atlantic salmon in the sea more than doubled. In the western Atlantic fewer than 100,000 of the most important multi-sea winter salmon return. The rivers of the coast of Maine and southern New Brunswick and Nova Scotia mainland, most saw drops sharply, and even disappear. It is located in the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) organized.