
Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Life of Animals | Coelacanth | Coelacanths are part of a clade Sarcopterygii, or lobe FishBase. Externally, there are some features that distinguish lobe-finned coelacanth fish from the other. They have a three-lobed tail fin fin, as trilobed. A secondary tail, which runs along and extends beyond the tail primary separates the upper and lower halves of the coelacanth. Scales Cosmoid act as a thick armor to protect the outside of coelacanth. There are also several internal features that help differentiate them from other fish lobe-finned coelacanth. The coelacanth is filled with fat braincase 98.5%, only 1.5% of the skull containing brain tissue.

The cheeks of the coelacanth is unique because the opercular bone is very small and has a soft-tip opercular great. The coelacanth has a rostral organ in the ethmoid region of the skull. Latimeria chalumnae and L. menadoensis are the only two known living species of coelacanths. Coelacanth The word literally means "hollow column" because of its unique finned hollow column. The coelacanths are big, fat, fish fins lip that grow up to 1.8 meters.


Coelacanth fins Tues 8-2 dorsal fins, two pectoral, two ventral fins, an anal fin and tail fin. The eyes of the coelacanth are very large, while the mouth is very small. The vision of the coelacanth has evolved into an ability to color predominantly blue-shifted. Pseudomaxillary wrinkles around the mouth, to replace the upper jaw, a structure that is absent in coelacanths. The rostral organ of coelacanths in the region of the skull including ethmoid. The body of the rostral coelacanths as part of laterosensory 'used. The reception auditory coelacanth "is mediated by its inner ear. Locomotion of the coelacanth is unique among its kind. Move, use the most coelacanths, up or down Wellings current and drift. Coelacanth can be used to get through the rapid generation of its pulse tail fin. Due to the large number of fins, the coelacanth has high maneuverability. Coelacanth may also guide your body in any direction in the water. It is thought that giving your body the rostral electroperception coelacanth, the helpers, in its movement around obstacles help.

Male copulatory organs not coelacanth course, only a sewer. Coelacanth looks very similar to young adult coelacanthThe yolk sac of the young coelacanth is broad and comes down to the pelvic fins. The scales and fins of the coelacanth young are fully matured. The coelacanth is odontodes missing girl, but she gained during ripening. Reviews state that eat the coelacanth has led to "a kind of diarrhea," and state medical reports .