Lion Fish

Thursday, July 12, 2012


The Life of Animals | Lion Fish | Pterois range in size from 6.2 to 42.4 cm, with a typical adult measuring 38 cm and weighing an average of 480 g. Youth Lionfish have a tentacle above single sockets of his eyes, ranging in phenotype among species. According to a study of the decomposition of more than 1,400 lionfish stomachs from Bahamas to the waters of North Carolina involved, Pterois prey mainly on small fish, invertebrates and shellfish in large quantities, with a number of copies of the stomach of more than six different prey types. The amount of Lionfish prey in stomachs during the day suggest that the most active feeding lionfish 7:00 to 23:00, with reduced power during the afternoon.

The lionfish, then spread their large pectoral fins and swallows its prey in a move singe researchers also noted that the jets blowing lionfish, while the prey approaching, apparently next to disorient the subject case of larger lionfish engaged in cannibalism in smaller individuals, identified adult lionfish have few natural enemies. Morays (family Muraenidae) Bluespotted horn fish (Fistularia commersonii) and large groupers, such as tiger grouper (Mycteroperca tigris) and Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) were observed preying on lionfish. It remains unknown, but the question of how often these predators prey on lionfish. Sharks are also believed trapped in lionfish, without damaging their spines.

Park officials Marine Park Roatan in Honduras attempted to train sharks to feed on Lionfish in 2011 in an attempt to weed populations in the Caribbean, the arrival. Predators of larvae and juvenile lionfish remains unknown, but may be the main factor limiting the lionfish population in its own range. Lionfish parasites are rarely seen and is believed to have been frequent. They include isopods and leeches Lionfish are known for their venomous spines, a feature that is unusual among marine fish on the reefs of the east coast. The lionfish is a predator of the Indo-Pacific. The aggressive prey, small fish and invertebrates. Lionfish usually have a hostile attitude and are territorial to other reef fish.

 Two of the nine species of Pterois, the red lionfish (P. volitans) and the common lionfish (P. miles) have established themselves as a major invasive species on the east coast of the United States and the Caribbean. Approximately 93% of the population is invasive P. volitans. The red lionfish is found on the east coast of the United States and the Caribbean Sea, and was likely first introduced off the Florida coast in the early and mid 1990. It is also believed that lionfish were purposely discarded by aquarists displeased. The first documented capture of Lionfish in the Atlantic occurred in Dania Beach, Florida. In 2001, NOAA documented sightings of lionfish off the coast of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Bermuda and the Bahamas were discovered in 2004.

Pterois volitans and Pterois miles are tropical and subtropical regions of southern Japan and South Korea to the east coast of Australia, Indonesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and the South Pacific. Pterois are known to devour many other aquarium fish. Pterois are unusual in that they are among the few species that successfully established populations in open marine systems. Extreme temperatures have limited geographic distribution of aquatic species, indicating that the temperature tolerance plays a role in the reproductive survival lionfish, range and distribution.

Pterois extended along the entire east coast of the United States occupied and suitable thermal zones within ten years, although the timing of observations points to the east coast of Florida, as the original source of the invasion of the western Atlantic, the relationship of the United States East Coast and Bahamas lionfish invasion is uncertain

The population of the invasive lionfish is growing very rapidly, and efforts are underway in several areas of control. However, the lionfish completely eradicate their new habitat seems unlikely. A study in 2010 with the population models used data collected on the known life history of the lionfish inhabit the coral reefs of the Caribbean to determine the best means to eradicate. The study showed that the most effective way to even maintain current lion population at least 27% of adults should be killed invasive monthly. In November 2010, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary began issuing licenses for divers to kill lionfish in the sanctuary.

Serious and repeated removal of water penetrating the lionfish will need to gain control of exponentially growing populations of conservation in many eastern U.S. are organizing hunts for Pterois. Community organizations formed around the country hoping to stop the growing population lionfish. Based on average kills per dive, a diver can easily kill Lionfish 3000-4000 per year (3 dives per day, six days a week, averaging 4 + kills per dive). Many people are wary of the idea of eating a poisonous fish, fish fillets properly but is perfectly healthy to eat. Encourage the consumption of lionfish not only help maintain a reasonable population density, but also provide an alternative source for other fish stocks overexploited, like grouper and snapper.

NOAA calls the lionfish a delicious flavor, delicate fish "texture for grouper. Many recipes for lionfish can be found in cookbooks from the coast, including some fried lionfish, lionfish ceviche, grilled jerky lionfish and lionfish. NOAA is also planning to continue his "Fish as Food Lion" campaign, as human hunting, fish is the only known form of the current control. NOAA also encourages people to report lionfish sightings to help spread a better record keeping Lionfish have successfully completed the coastal waters of the Atlantic, pioneered in less than ten years and are a major threat to ecological systems reefs in these areas. An environmental impact caused by Pterois could their impact on population numbers of prey by directly affecting the relations of the food chain. Studies show that the lionfish's Atlantic reef diversity may decrease to 80%. In July 2011 Lionfish were first reported in Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Louisiana Flower.
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