Electric eel

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Life of Animals | Electric eel | Electric eel has three abdominal pairs of organs that produce electricity: the main body, the body hunter, and the authority of Sah. The agencies make up four fifths of his body, and that electric eels can create two types of electrical discharges Authority (ECTS): low voltage and high voltage. When the eels to prey sends, signal the brain via the nervous system to the electric cells. The electric eel generates characteristic electrical pulse in a manner similar to batteries, to produce a stack of plates electrical charge. In the electric eel, some 5000 to 6000 Percent electroplaques able to produce a blow at speeds of up to 500 volts and 1 ampere of current (500 watts).

Electrical current death associated with the current level of current that can be fatal to people, depending on the path electric current takes through the human body, human heart fibrillation (which is reversible with cardiac defibrillator) is can be carried out by currents 70-700 mA and higher.

Juveniles produce smaller voltages (100 volts). Electric eels are a variety of intense electric discharge, using lower discharges for "hunting" and higher intensity for stunning prey or defend themselves. Electric eel also possesses high-frequency sensitive tuberous receptors are unevenly distributed throughout the body that seem useful for hunting other Gymnotiformes. Electric Eels are widely used as a model for studying bioelectrogenesis Electric eels live in fresh waters of the Amazon and Orinoco basins in South America, in floodplains, wetlands, coastal plains and streams. Male electric eels are also much smaller than the electric eel woman. Requires the electric eel in an aquarium for a minimum of 200 liters. Young electric eels often fight if placed in the same aquarium. Electric eels can not be any fish