
Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Life of Animals | Flatfish | Their most striking feature of flatfish asymmetry, both in the eyes of older adult falls on the same side of the fish. In some families, the eyes are always on the right side of the body (flatfish dextral or right eye), while others are always right (or left-handed flatfish left-eyed). Fish on the surface of the sea floor, pigmented, often serves to camouflage the fish, but sometimes bright color patterns. Side of the body without eyes,

overlooking the sea bed, usually colorless or very light. Only eat small fish and spiny turbot, and a well-developed teeth. Fish dishes range in size from oligolepis Tarphops, measuring about 4.5 cm (1.8 inches) long and weighing 2 grams (0.071 ounces), Atlantic halibut, 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) and 316 kilograms (700 pounds). Flatfish eggs that hatch into larvae, as well as a typical, symmetrical, fish.

Migration through the eyes of one of the most senior and the other side of the body, leaving one side of the blind fish. Larva Swim bladder and spines, and goes down and loses his blind side of the main surface. In 2008, 50 million year old fossil, Amphistium, was identified as an early relative of a transitional flatfish fossil and modern fish dish, the head is asymmetric in both eyes on one side of the head.