Crimson Rosella

Saturday, September 1, 2012


The Life of Animals | Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans is a medium sized parrot Australian to 36 cm (14 in) in length, of which a wide tail part. The red is replaced by yellow var. flaveolus and a mixture of red, orange and yellow in the Adelaide Rosella. Young people are said to 'ripen' as they age and turn from green to red. All races have their cheeks blue and blue-black wings and tail-scalloped marginned predominantly blue with the color mainly red. The Crimson Rosella blue tail feathers are one of the favorite decorations of the satin bowerbird. There is very little sexual dimorphism in Crimson Rosella. The Crimson Rosella is located in the south-east of South Australia, through Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales, on the south-east Queensland. A diverse population occurs in northern Queensland.

Lives mainly in forests and woodlands, preferring old forests and wetter. They are found in tropical rain forests, subtropical and temperate, wet and dry sclerophyll forests, riparian forests and woods, all the way from sea level to the tree line. Almost all Rosellas are sedentary, but from time to time people are considered nomads, not Rosellas are migratory. Outside the breeding season, Crimson Rosella tend to cluster in pairs or small groups and parties in power. The largest groups are mostly composed of young people who will gather in groups of up to 20 people. Crimson Rosella forage in trees, shrubs and ground for fruit, seeds, nectar, berries and nuts in a large variety of plants, including members of the family Myrtaceae, Asteraceae, and Rosaceae. Despite eating fruit and seeds, Rosellas are not useful for the spreaders seed plants, because crush and destroy the seeds in the process of eating.

Adelaide Rosella are known to feed on sleeping buds of cherry blossoms. Only a few will nest in a given tree. Some guard their nest perched near Rosellas to talk with others who are approaching. They will have a buffer zone of several trees radius also look around their nest, preventing other pairs of nests in that area. The breeding season of the Crimson Rosella lasts from September to February, and depends on rainfall each year starts earlier and lasts longer in wet years. Only the mother incubates the eggs. The eggs hatch in mid-December, with an average of 3.6 eggs hatching successfully. There is a preference for female chicks, as 41.8% of young people. The young reach adulthood (gain adult plumage) at 16 months. Opossum and currawongs are also believed to take from time to time the eggs from the nest. Surprisingly, but the Crimson Rosella is his worst enemy.
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