Magpie Goose

Saturday, September 1, 2012


The Life of Animals | Magpie Goose | Magpie geese are unmistakable birds with their black and white plumage and yellow legs. T The males are larger than females. Related and existing families, Anhimidae (Schreier) and Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans), contain all other taxa. The Magpie Goose included in the genus and family Anseranas Anseranatidae the monotypic in our time A cladistic study determined the morphology of waterfowl that the Magpie Goose was an early and distinctive offshoot, according to various screamers and all other ducks, geese and swans. This family is pretty old, a living fossil, the set appeared before the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction relative lived Vegavis IAAI ago 68-67000000 years.

Considered other Paleogene birds sometimes as magpie geese families of Geranopsis Hordwell formation are late Eocene to early Oligocene of England and Anserpica from the Late Oligocene of Billy Crechy (France). The earliest known member of the group is represented in Australia found an unnamed species of fossils in the late Oligocene Carl Creek Limestone of Queensland. The Australian distribution of the species is well adapted to the presumed Gondwana origin Anseriformes, but Northern Hemisphere fossils are enigmatic. Perhaps the magpie geese were one of the dominant groups Paleogene waterfowl, are largely extinct later. The Magpie Goose is found in a large number of open wetlands such as floodplains and swamps.

The area even as far south as the Coorong and the wetlands of south-east of South Australia and Western Victoria expanded. The species is the subject of reintroduction projects as Bool Lagoon between Penola and Naracoorte. In Victoria, the Magpie Goose listed as near threatened on the 2007 advisory list of threatened vertebrate animals in Victoria. In December 2007 the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act list of threatened fauna, it is also called.

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